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The 'Cinderella Of Tech' On Fashion, Feminism And Why The New Netflix Series Based On Her Life Isn't All Fact?

Sophia Amoruso wants to get something straight about the term “Girlboss”. “It’s about choosing for ourselves what success looks like,” she exp...

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Reliving The Summer Of Love

California’s summer calendar is packed with events commemorating 50 years of the hippie revolution of 1967 I am in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury neighbourhood,...

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Photo Shows Faces Of India, Rarely Seen

Indians are obsessed with fairness. Our movies, fashion industry, advertisements, the nauseating matrimonial ads looking for "fair" brides, they all, directly or indirectly...

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How Much Has Actually Changed 4 Years On From The Rana Plaza Collapse?

“Who made my clothes?” It’s a simple question, but one which many brands are still reluctant to answer and many of us are too distracted or disengaged to ...

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Watch The MTV Soap Opera That Is Secretly Teaching Sex Ed

When Emmanuel Ikubese first saw the show MTV Shuga, he was a university student and an aspiring actor. Like many fans, he was hooked. There's a lot to like about the show: ...

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Ai WeiWei To Build Fences Throughout New York To Exhibit Immigration

With Donald Trump’s vowing to build walls and shut down borders, artists have continued to make powerful political statements, defiant against the President. In timel...

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Sonam Kapoor To Auction 12 Of Her Desired Dresses For Charity

Sonam Kapoor is known for her immaculate fashion sense and she's about to give away some of the coveted pieces from her wardrobe for charity. Proceeds from the sale will go...

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Change Makers: Using Entertainment Education For Social Change

Change Makers: Using Entertainment Education for Social Change

Asian Center for Entertainment Education and its flagship program The Third Eye, in association with ...

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It's Time To Talk About Gender Bias In The Art World

Hikari Yokoyama, the supremely elegant cultural entrepreneur and cofounder of the Paddle8 auction site, has a new gig. As artistic director of New York’s recently ope...

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Neena Gupta And Masaba Celebrate Women’s Day Week At Atmtantan Wellness Resort

March 2017: The luxurious Atmantan Wellness Resort situated in the lush Sahyadri Mountains has become an increasingly popular wellness getaway amongst celebrities, their mo...

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