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US To Cut 28 Percent Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 2025

The United States began to outline today how it will achieve the goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent by the end of 2025. In a submission to the UN Framew...

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How market forces are winning the climate change battle

Greenhouse gases have stopped rising, and it's not hurting the global economy after all

Despite the stereotype of a business lobby warning about th...

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Boris Johnson told to divest £4.8Bn PF from fossil fuels

London assembly members vote in support of motion calling for mayor to support divestment from coal, oil and gas companies. Boris Johnson has been told by the London assemb...

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Energy Company could end funding for climate change denier

Scientist Dr Wei-Hock Soon, who accepted $1.25m in funding from Exxon Mobil and others, defends his record and attacks ?politically motivated groups? Funders appear to be b...

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Climate Change Might Be Causing These Huge Craters in Siberia

Reports of new methane-eruption craters in the Siberian permafrost have piqued the interest of scientists around the higher latitudes who see it as a new sign of a warming ...

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Climate change is not just an environmental issue

Ed Miliband

Tackling global warming is not just a global responsibility, argues the leader of the Labour party, it?s an economic necessity for Britain he general ...

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The Immorality of Coal

Momentum seems to be building for a global deal at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris this December. With this sense of optimism comes a keen awareness t...

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Care about global climate change? Then fight local air pollution

Leaders of developing countries should take a look at a new study by professors and researchers at Harvard, Yale, and the University of Chicago, and keep it in mind when th...

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Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for Doubtful Climate Researcher

For years, politicians wanting to block legislation on climate change have bolstered their arguments by pointing to the work of a handful of scientists who claim that green...

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Fight climate change, make money

Though the public rarely notices, businesses succeed because of their planning. To see what is happening now, while positioning yourself to make the most of the future, is ...

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