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Bhubaneshwar Art Trail: A Unique Public Art Exhibition in India

Bhubaneshwar is a beautiful city set in the Indian state of Orissa. It is well-known as the ‘Temple City’ of the country. On the 18th of this month, the city ki...

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Mental Health as Important as Physical Health in the Workplace

Theresa May has been urged  by some of Britain’s leading business leaders to act on a pledge to make mental health first aid mandato...

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India can lead the way in defanging the Defamation Laws

Women in India are fighting for their workplace equality and dignity. The recent issue of the hashtag #MeToo has ousted some powerful men in th...

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Respect Human Rights to achieve Sustainable Development

An UN human rights expert urged the Cambodian Government to work more closely with civil society groups, and said the best way for the country ...

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Astana Declaration commits to achieve Universal Health Coverage

The United Nations Member States have promised to strengthen primary health care as an ‘essential’ step towards achieving universal...

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A Simple Act of Breathing might be Killing You

According to a recent survey by the World Health Organisation, a simple act of breathing is killing 7 million people a year and harming billion...

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#MeToo Movement in India

On October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano encouraged spreading the hash tag #MeToo, in an attempt to draw attention to s...

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Strike Four

Under the pen name Robert Galbraith, JK Rowling (who hasn't heard of Harry Potter?) writes crime thrillers with a one-legged detective, Cormora...

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Sach Bharat –I: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Ki Sachhayi

Making false claims, misusing government machinery for propaganda, and managing events and headlines are the hallmarks of the Modi style of gov...

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Do Writers need to go Anywhere looking for Political Drama?

Shri Jaipal Reddy, former Union Minister and Smt. Priyanka Chaturvedi, Convener Media Department, AICC addressed the media at the All India Con...

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