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India can lead the way in defanging the Defamation Laws

Women in India are fighting for their workplace equality and dignity. The recent issue of the hashtag #MeToo has ousted some powerful men in th...

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‘Boy Erased’, a Film on the Memoir of Garrard Conley releases in India Tomorrow

Nicole Kidman's ‘Boy Erased’ will release in India on November 16. The film showcases a real-life teenager who is sent to a gay con...

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Respect Human Rights to achieve Sustainable Development

An UN human rights expert urged the Cambodian Government to work more closely with civil society groups, and said the best way for the country ...

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Increasing Human Activities is leading to Rapidly Decreasing Wilderness

The world’s last wilderness areas are rapidly disappearing. According to a recent study, between the years 1993 and 2009, an area larger ...

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Toxic Air both Indoor and Outdoor kills 600,000 Children Each Year

The World Health Organization has revealed that the exposure to toxic air, indoor as well as outdoor, kills over some 600,000 children under th...

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Agricultural Workers are the World’s Hungriest, says UN Expert

“Agricultural workers are among the worlds most hungry and are largely excluded from national legal protective frameworks”, the UN ...

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Rapp vs Russia

These days, a popular fictional character does not die when his (or her) creator does; so when Vince Flynn, writer of bestselling political thr...

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Pushing the Envelope on LGBTQ Cinema in India at Jio MAMI

Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival with Star in association with KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival will be organizing a panel discuss...

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#MeToo Movement in India

On October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano encouraged spreading the hash tag #MeToo, in an attempt to draw attention to s...

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‘East West Street’: A Musical on Human Rights

The 92nd Street Y’s Tisch Centre for the Arts is all set to launch the North American premier of East West Street: A Song of...

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