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Unsurprisingly, Gender Neutral Textbooks Make For Better Students

Last week, two researchers at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH) presented a study that suggests gender-neutral course literature help...

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Melinda Gates, Steve Ballmer, Reid Hoffman Back Text-Based Counseling Service

Crisis Text Line, a free, around the clock text-messaging support line for people in crisis, is getting a massive new round of grants from notable technology names includin...

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Textile Sector Still In Knots Over Child Labour

Textile units in Tamil Nadu have grabbed headlines several times in the past for the wrong reasons. Non-governmental organisations, including international organisations, h...

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In Rwanda, A Phone Text Can Save A Baby

Using an old mobile phone, health worker Floride Uwinkesha logs the latest local pregnancy, part of efforts in Rwanda to boost maternal health through a monitoring programm...

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The Globalisation Of Bad Food And Poor Health: Sustainable Development Or Sustainable Profits?

The proportion of deaths due to cancer around the world increased from 12 percent in 1990 to 15 percent in 2013. Globally, cancer is already the second-leading cause of dea...

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Print May Become The Past As Technology Revolution Takes Over

In recent weeks, Paul Lee, senior analyst with the professional services giant Deloitte, has been offering a remarkably upbeat prognosis for the future of UK media.His visi...

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True Review Television - It’s An Original

There’s this new show at 8 pm on &TV which has a distinctive look and treatment. Two distinguished singers, also siblings – Kalyani Gaikwad and Ketki Gaikwa...

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For Teens In Crisis The Next Text Could Be A Lifesaver

The message to the Crisis Text Line was answered by Aaron Amrich, a volunteer crisis counselor based in California. It was sent by a 19-year-old woman who wrote that she wa...

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I grew up in several places in India, amidst many changing political times as we know.
I lived with the two books, Discovery Of India by Pandit Jawarharlal Nehru,...

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Retroscope - Jagjit Singh- A Sweet Recollection

I don’t recall when I first met the two, Jagjit and Chitra Singh. It must be sometime in the early 1970s, when Chitra came round to our tiny apartment on 29th Road TP...

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