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Kaleidoscope - From A Child’s Heart

It has been observed that more often than not books for or about kids have a male protagonist.  Two recent books buck that trend and have girls leading-- and very inte...

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Blind Mom Sees Unborn Baby Through 3D Printed Ultrasound

These days, most expectant parents take for granted that they’ll get a first glimpse of their unborn child through an ultrasoundmonths before the baby actually arrive...

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Neuroscientists Hunt The Line Where Consciousness Begins—And Ends

Consciousness should be a deeply spooky thing. Or, rather, the fact that we routinelylose consciousness should be a deeply spooky thing. Here, at some murky threshold that ...

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Attack By 'Avengers' Militant Group Forces Chevron To Close Oil Facility In Nigeria

Chevron has been forced shut down oil production at its Escravos terminal in Nigeria following an attack by militants, the second time in recent weeks that violence has imp...

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Dehydration: Risks And Myths

Despite the vital importance of water, there are relatively few good studies of how much is needed, by whom and under what circumstances.
Truth to tell, sometimes I do...

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Priyanka Chopra, Bond Girl? Nah. She Wants To Be First Female 007

Priyanka Chopra, Bond girl? Not likely - how about Priyanka Chopra, 007? Homegirl says she's not interested unless it's a license to kill. In an interview to Complex magazi...

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Refugee Children Are Five Times More Likely To Be Out Of School Than Others

A new policy paper, ‘No more excuses’, jointly released by the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report and UN High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) ahead ...

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This Canadian Company Wants To Mine For Gold On The Bottom Of The Ocean

Villagers have embraced offers of new sanitation systems, homes and bridges. But they don't fully comprehend what Nautilus wants to do starting as early as 2018 at a site 3...

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Cinematic Luminaries Ian Mckellen And Aamir Khan Discuss Shakespearean Influence At The Iconic Launch Of The MAMI Film Club

(Highlighted by a candid conversation on Shakespeare and his global influence on film, art & culture, the event saw some heart-warming exchanges between the actors as t...

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Scientists Can Virtually Wander Around Mars For Miles With Hololens

“My average day is that I go to the office, have my coffee, nip off to Mars for a little while, check out the latest location, write some code, and then I’m bac...

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