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8 Female CEO's Out-Earn 93 Male CEO's

Fortune has a piece out today showing that “Female CEOs of the Largest Public Companies Are Actually Out-Earning the Men.”

According to Equilar, an exec...

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Constable Strikes Deal With Street Children To Study

Amidst the hustle and bustle characteristic of all railway stations in the country, one is likely to come across the forlorn faces of children, forced by circumstance to ea...

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Harvey Milk Group To Honor Bollywood Star, Human Rights Activists Celina Jaitly

Bollywood star Celina Jaitly, who speaks out on behalf of LGBT people in India and worldwide, will be honored Friday night by the Harvey Milk Foundation at the second Diver...

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Encryption Gets In The Way Of 75% Of Cases, Europol Chief Says

In the US, police and prosecutors continue to say encryption—the use of math to protect data from outside eyes, including those of the government—presents a sig...

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Outsmarting Polio

While a global campaign to vaccinate every child on the globe has reduced incidence of polio by 99 percent, wiping out the disease in the last handful of countries has prov...

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The 7 Best UK Festivals For New Music

Despite the Met Office trying to tell us it would snow on the hottest day of the year so far (an unfortunate but gloriously British error), summer is fast-approaching which...

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Gender diversity - Companies Pull Women Managers Out Of Pink Ghettoes

Gender diversity - Companies Pull Women Managers Out Of Pink Ghettoes

MUMBAI: Bringing women managers out of `pink ghettoes' and proactively deploying them in impor...

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Humans Care More About Climate Change if They Know They're Responsible

Climate change denial is still a huge problem among elected representatives, to say nothing of the general populace, and even when our elected leaders do try to act to comb...

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Cannes: Beloved Festival Figure Nathalie Dubois On Losing Her Brother In Paris' Bataclan Bombing

The France-born Dubois, who runs the DPA Cannes Gift Suite out of the Carlton Hotel, expresses the importance of coming to Cannes despite her fear of attending: "I'm fright...

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For Female Scientists, There's No Good Time To Have Children

American women are leaving academic science, including the social sciences, in alarming numbers. Many will turn away from science while still in graduate school. Although w...

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