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A Health App's AI Took On Human Doctors To Triage Patients

Two decades on from artificial intelligence
beating chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov, AI is proving it can do some conventionally human jobs. One UK-based health app n...

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Kaleidoscope - Just Not Funny

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article belong to the writer and not indicative or representative of the organization ACEE - The Third Eye


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Cinematic Luminaries Ian Mckellen And Aamir Khan Discuss Shakespearean Influence At The Iconic Launch Of The MAMI Film Club

(Highlighted by a candid conversation on Shakespeare and his global influence on film, art & culture, the event saw some heart-warming exchanges between the actors as t...

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In New Advance, IBM Engineers Put Universal Memory Within Reach

It can be kind of hard to keep track of the tangle of emerging computer memory technologies with one seemingly announced every other week, from Intel's highly publicized bu...

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Cannes 2016: Cafe Society Review - Woody Allen's Tribute To Golden Age Hollywood

Woody Allen’s Café Society is a sweet, sad, insubstantial jeud’ésprit, watchable, charming and beautifully shot by Vittorio Storaro – yet al...

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Artificial Intelligence Creativity Machine Learns To Play Beethoven In The Style Of The Beatles’ “Penny Lane”

It is the end of term this week and my film production students asked me to name my favorite part of filmmaking. I told them it’s directing, as it’s something I...

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Scientists Think Intelligent Life Could Have Evolved Before Brains

Today, French scientists took a poke at humans’ intellectual hegemony by demonstrating, for the first time ever, that a single-celled organism without a brain or nerv...

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True Review Movie - Nil Battey Sannata

Cast: Swara Bhaskar, Ratna Pathak Shah, Pankaj Tripathi, Riya Shukla

Director: Ashwini Iyer Tiwari

Produced: JAR Pictures, Colour Yellow

Writer: Ala...

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Kaleidoscope- On The Cusp Of Change

The spectacular Disney musical Beauty And The Beast returned for a second season and in spite of high ticket rates, was sold out.

The production has all the gra...

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India Must Close The Gender Gap And Make Every Woman Count

In India, the gender gap — the differences between women and men, especially as reflected in social, political, intellectual, cultural, or economic attainments or att...

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