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So here?? the thing!

As I entered home this evening, my housekeeper Leela Lhama opened the door, as usual.

She normally takes my laptop bag from my hand and...

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“Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains” quoted Jean Jacques Rousseau, the famous French philosopher. The history of mankind has been the history of ev...

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Elton John And Michael Stipe Write About Plight Of Transgender Inmates In Prison

Last month, Elton John and musician, activist, and Elton John AIDS Foundation ally Michael Stipe, published an op-ed in the The Guardian about the horrific conditions faced...

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UN Climate Chief Says The Science Is Clear: There Is No Space For New Coal

Christiana Figueres says Australia needs a national consensus to achieve maximum effort in fight to avoid dangerous climate change The UN climate chief, Christiana Figueres...

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In Tanzania, Farmers Reap the Benefits of Radio

How do you share ideas – including potentially transformative ones – with people who do not have Internet access, are largely illiterate, and live far from pave...

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Striking “Black Gold” with Public Health Entertainment-Education

Listen: a village in Mozambique is being confronted with the arrival of a foreign mining company, causing the traditional and modern communities to clash and creating perso...

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Jennifer Garner Joins Moms Social Good Event

Moms + Social Good, an event dedicated to the power of moms and families to create a better future for their communities, today announced actress and Save the Children Amba...

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Asia?s Investment Bank: A New Chapter In Sustainable Development

Development banks can help achieve much needed infrastructure development in Asia, but experts from the World Resources Institute caution that development must not come at ...

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In the last week I happened to spend an evening with relatives who were visiting Mumbai from Jammu; my hometown and the place I took birth in. It’s a no-brainer that ...

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Traditions, Society And Healthcare- Taking A Look At Community Health Issues

It was a cool afternoon in the winter of 1990. We were walking toward a remote village on a dirt road through a forest. It was a voyage of delightful discovery of flora...

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