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David Bowie: An Avid Reader

For a man who left Bromley Technical High School with just one 'O' level (in art), David Bowie ended up a remar...

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Director's Kut

“If an actor’s film succeeds, he becomes a star.” – Sudhir Mishra
In this telephonic talk with JYOTHI VENKATESH, t...

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The Disappearing Art of Conversation

Since the emergence of humans on the planet, conversation has been the cornerstone of human civilization. From the initial words exchanged r...

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Best Practices: Karen Spencer’s Whole Child International

"Look into your own heart, discover what it is that gives you pain and refuse, under any circumstances whatsoev...

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"Your Language can help Detect if You are Depressed "

Depression is a prime issue. Some days you might feel low or sad but for people suffering from depression, it's more than temporary sadness....

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Educate Girls to curb India's ever-growing Population

The explosive growth in the Indian population could be curbed significantly if teenage girls in this developing country were given the oppor...

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Trap Door, throws light on Trans Representation and Anti-trans Violence

The increasing representation of trans identity throughout art and popular culture in recent years has been nothing if not paradoxical. Tran...

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The More Things Change…

Ajit Dalvi’s Marathi play Samajswasthya, directed by Atul Pethe, is a startling reminder that in spite of all the progress India has witnessed ov...

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It’s Now or Never…How to Stop Procrastinating

Let's talk about a situation. You've got a long day ahead of you, piled up work, from doing your laundry to preparing for a sales meeting, or maybe writing a res...

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Is Freedom of Speech Facing a Debacle in our Free Nation?

Give me the liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” -John Milton, Areopagitica.

It ...

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