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NASA And FEMA Practiced Emergency Operations For An Asteroid Impact

The year is 2020 and Los Angeles is about to be wiped off the face of the planet. You’ve known this day was coming since the fall of 2016, when the asteroid that is o...

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Scientists Are Using the Enzyme That Makes Fireflies Glow to Track Brain Cells

Fireflies and other bioluminescence-producing species (e.g. bacteria, jellyfish, worms, sharks) create light through a chemical reaction in their body catalyzed by an enzym...

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A Higgs Boson Scientist Created A Fertility App That's As Effective As The Pill

Over the past century or so, women have increasingly gained access to a growing range of family-planning options that are much more reliable than the ages-old “r...

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Scientists Are Testing Out Nanoparticles That Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks

The future is here; We now live in a world where researchers can send tiny, manmade particles into the body to blast apart cells that help cancer spread. Well, at least in ...

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TBI Blogs: How One Young Man With An MA In Finance Is Using Technology To Build More Inclusive Classrooms

Six years ago, Kushal Dattani found himself volunteering at a special needs school in Melbourne, Australia, as a student pursuing his Masters in Finance. What began as an o...

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For The First Time, Researchers Bridge Quantum Computers On A Single Chip

Despite the rapid emergence of mobile devices and cloud computing, it's still intuitive to think of computers as relatively self-contained systems. And, as self-contained s...

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Mercury Is More Earth-Like Than We Thought

Mercury has been hiding an exciting secret: the closest planet to our Sun is perpetually shrinking, according to new data from NASA, which shows the appearance of new, tiny...

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Watch Researchers Use Sound To Move Multiple Objects With Precision

A team of researchers at Aalto University in Finland has devised a method for the controlled movement of multiple objects using a single sound source, a development which m...

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Why The Nobel Prize Winning Discovery Of Autophagy Matters

Nobel laureate Yoshinori Ohsumi’s work on mechanisms underlying autophagy — a fundamental process of degrading and recycling cellular components — has gen...

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Kaleidoscope - Rule Of King

Stephen King who is known for his horror novels and thrillers, wrote a detective novel called Mr Mercedes, and then wrote two more with the same characters turning...

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