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Climate change is ‘great demon of our day’

Climate change is an issue the Church of England has to face up to and take action on by redirecting its investments , its parliamentary body heard today.

There was...

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True Review: HER

Director: Spike Jonze

Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett Johansson, Amy Adams

Rating: 4 stars


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What To Eat During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman needs to ensure that her diet provides enough nutrients and energy for her baby to develop and grow properly, and also to make sure that her body is health...

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Deaths caused by heat will rise to average of 7,000 a year in 2050

The number of deaths caused by extreme heat in the UK will more than treble by the middle of the century as a result of climate change and population growth, experts have s...

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True Review: Hasee Toh Phasee

Hasee Toh Phasee – Enjoy Parineeta Chopra – Dynamite of Acting

Rating: 4 Stars

Hasee Toh Phasee is a very refr...

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Mumbai: Rag pickers' daughter wants to complete MBA

Mumbai: The youngest daughter of scrap pickers and MBA student, Savita Doke (22), has worked hard to pursue her higher education. On the home stretch, however, she is strug...

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Award Winning British play HeLa now in India by QTP

QTP turns 15 this year!

Kicks off anniversary tour by bringing down…

Award-winning play HeLa, inspired by the book: Read More

Warmer water species point to changing climate in Yellowstone River

State biologists were surprised to catch an uninvited guest near Springdale during fish surveys two years ago: a silver sucker with red fins called a shorthead redhorse. Read More

Experts, eco-scholars conduct annual water bird census

KANPUR: To count the number of migratory and local birds in the Yamuna river in Farah area of Mathura, ornithologists and a group of Yamuna eco-scholars participated in the...

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True Review: Ya Rab

Ya Rab – Hard Hitting & Must Watch for Hindu – Muslim unity

Rating: 4 Stars

After a long time, Bollywood p...

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