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True Review - Two New Shows Of Relevance

In the last few weeks, two channels have espoused women empowerment in their new offerings at Prime Time. Star Plus premiered Tamanna last week, before that Colors launched...

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By and large, the ‘powers that be for television’ have created a grid for how women should be portrayed in soaps. Placed in a box with a uniform dress code, it ...

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Kaleidoscope - A Li'l Bit Of Kindness

Intolerance is the word of the season-- all over the world, people are losing their patience, compassion and that sense of community that makes life worthwhile. What does a...

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Arjun Kapoor Talks About Gender Inequality Through Ki & Ka!

Arjun Kapoor feels homemakers are not given their due in the society and the actor says his upcoming film Ki &Ka will begin conversations about them. In the R Balki-dir...

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Dil Ka Haal Sune Dilwala

Growing up in Calcutta gave us grounding in sound middle class values out of which I was constructed. We lived in a four room rented ground floor place, P92 SardarSankar Ro...

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True Review Film - Airlift

Cast: Akshay Kumar, Nimrat Kaur, Feryna Wazheir

Direction: Raja Krishna Menon 

Produced: Nikhil Advani, Monisha Adwani, Aruna Bhatia, Madhu G. Bhojwani...

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Beyond Pink and Blue!

When a baby is born, the obstetrician announces “It’s a boy” or “It’s a girl.” As babies, children learn to categorize everyone as eithe...

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Building Networks For A ‘Good Life,’ Even After The Caregiver Is Gone

Twenty-five years ago, when Ted Kuntz, a family therapist in Vancouver, British Columbia, was preparing his will, he went around to family members and close friends asking ...

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The Journey Continues

Hindi Theatre does not have it easy in Mumbai, still some groups are carrying on with dedication. Om Katare?s Yatri, that was one of the groups that was formed when Prithvi...

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David Bowie's Charity Legacy

David Bowie has left a legacy of inspiration, and without doubt made the world a better place. “David Bowie was an icon and an inspiration for us all, “Keep sai...

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