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Hear The Poor Cry

A Very significant document has come out. It is a letter from Pope Francis addressed to everyone on this planet.

Pope Francis is head of the world’s largest r...

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The Economic Options For Combatting Climate Change

The Federal Government Announced Today That 2014 Was The Hottest Year For The Planet In The 135 Years That Records Have Been Kept. Greenhouse Gas Concentration, Land Surfac...

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How Transhumanist Tech Will Correct Reality's Typos.

It’s commonplace while reading to have one’s concentration disrupted by a spelling error or typo. Sometimes that disruption causes us to discredit the material ...

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CO2 Levels Reach Monthly Record

Global carbon dioxide concentrations have reached a new monthly record of 400 parts per million, according to scientists. The milestone was announced by the US National Oce...

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When German friends first visited Bombay, they were blown away by the multiple ethnic groups on the streets. They had just visited the Rajabai Clock Tower and seen statues ...

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Years Of Living Dangerously: Merchants Of Doubt hiding An Inconvenient Truth

Next December, 196 nations will meet in Paris to agree a course of action to respond to climate change. They will do so under the auspices of the UN framework convention on...

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Why scientists are (almost) certain that climate change is man-made

ON NOVEMBER 2ND the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which represents mainstream scientific opinion, said that it was extremely likely that climate change ...

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Addressing India's air quality, health and climate requires public action, study finds

Just weeks after New York City saw the largest climate march in history, new research shows that such public demand can have a direct impact on environmental improvements a...

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Climate change likely to widen health inequities: WHO paper

Poorer populations and children will be disproportionately affected? Emphasising the urgent need to fight climate changes, the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday ...

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Global Warming has Temporarily 'Paused' due to Climate Fluctuations and Weaker Solar Irradiance

Global warming has been temporarily 'paused' according to a group of scientists, who attribute this interlude to climate fluctuations and a more restrained sun. Researchers...

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