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Indian Railways To Chart A New Route To Reduce GHG Emissions

Focus on low-carbon inter-urban passenger and freight transport, and tools like NAMAs for technology transfer and financing Indian Railways is in process of evolving a road...

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Contours Of Inequality

Global estimates of the unmet energy needs in India have been available for some time. These only indicate whether the shoe pinches, if at all. In a new series of analyses ...

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Will economic empathy shared by Narendra Modi and Shinzo Abe enable Japan to play key role in India's growth?

Suzuki Motor Corporation’s investment in the 1980s was a transformational development in India’s economic history. It revolutionized the automobile sector, brin...

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World's Major Cities Must Unite Against Climate Change

United States: Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo urged the world's major cities Thursday to unite in the fight against climate change. Stressing that half the world's population isn...

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Bihar Mukhiyas To Get Smart Phones, Internet-savvy Assistants To Improve Work Efficiency

Move will cut frequent travel to government offices to get schemes sanctioned and will improve monitoring, says Panchayati Raj minister Village heads or mukhiyas in Bihar w...

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Green tax on vehicles made mandatory in Uttar Pradesh

Number of vehicles in Noida has increased by three folds between 2004 and 2012. To bring vehicular pollution under control, the Uttar Pradesh government has recently made g...

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Haryana starts marking forest area in Mangar

The Haryana government has started the process of measuring the Mangar forest area in Aravali amid reports of it approving the sub-regional plan. Sources said forest depart...

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Saving the poor

It was a curious irony. The same day Gabriel Garcia Marquez died, I met another famous Latin writer-the prolific and talented Isabel Allende-giving a talk at a friend&rsquo...

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600 Indian Sisters working as doctors are motor of rural health services

Religious Sisters graduating from St John’s Medical University in Bangalore are the “motor of rural health services, a unique example of Christian charity&rdquo...

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Low-Cost Water Is Hard Sell in Delhi Colony

India — In October last year, the resettlement colony of Sawda Ghevra, tucked away in the north-western outskirts of India’s capital, became the site of an urba...

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