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Read this, and then do the maths: How many mango trees before he can count my tears?

In a distant, sleepy village in Uttar Pradesh, whose name I would have never heard had a lot of politicians and news TV’s OB vans not landed there recently to bring i...

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33,000 girls vaccinated against cervical cancer

More than 33,000 girls aged nine to 13 have been vaccinated against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) to protect them from cervical cancer in the country. The beneficiaries w...

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Freida Pinto Attends Girl Summit

Freida Pinto joined the UK government’s first ever Girl Summit on Tuesday 22 July to tackle violence against girls around the world. The Slumdog Millionaire star repr...

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Cyndi Lauper : Girls Just Want to Have Birth Control

The Hobby Lobby decision makes clear that this isn’t an argument about religious liberties—it’s a rejection of women’s rights across the board. On M...

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Why India's sanitation Crisis kills Women

The gruesome rape and hanging of two teenage girls in the populous Uttar Pradesh state again proves how women have become the biggest victims of India’s sanitation cr...

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New role for Geena Davis: Getting Hollywood to fairly portray girls

Google Geena Davis and up pops the pose that established her as half of the “first selfie.” The iconic frame from “Thelma & Louise” was reprised...

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Chelsea Clinton wants more girls involved in STEM

Chelsea Clinton has been on the move these past few weeks. Last week, she spoke at a Google event in New York City; celebrating Google’s $50 million pledge to help cl...

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Demi Lovato Talks Girl Power in Behind-the-Scenes Video

Demi Lovato recently graced the cover of Seventeen Magazine — looking amazing, as always — and now there’s a behind-the-scenes peek at her fun and colorfu...

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Where the Girls Went, Where the Boys Came From

In the huge furor that followed the Badaun gang rapes and murders a month ago, cops were suspended and upper caste Yadav suspects arrested, some of whom confessed to the cr...

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Gloria Steinem Helps UN Women Unveil Beijing Campaign

At the historic Apollo Theatre in New York, UN Women last week launched a year-long campaign to spark global dialogue and actions on women’s rights and gender equalit...

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