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CO2 Turned Into Stone In Iceland In Climate Change Breakthrough

The unique project promises a cheaper and more secure way of burying CO2 from fossil fuel burning underground, where it cannot warm the planet. Such carbon capture and stor...

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Bill Gates Launches Chicken Plan To Help Africa Poor

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has launched a campaign to help extremely poor families in sub-Saharan Africa by giving them chickens.
The billionaire and philanthropist ...

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China Wants TO Build A Deep Sea 'Space Station'

The manned deep sea platform would sit 9,800 feet under disputed waters in the South China Sea, and would be a key resource in China’s offshore mining efforts, accord...

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Kaleidoscope - Honesty Or Racism?

It’s a hot topic right now—millions of refugees from Islamic countries flocking to Europe and tilting the population balance. Already, prophets of doom are pred...

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Geena Davis To Produce Documentary About Hollywood Gender Inequality

Actor and campaigner says feature-length film will highlight data collected by her gender and media institute, along with testimonials from women in the industry Geena Davi...

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Tests Show We Could Build A Humongous Gravitational Wave Detector In Space

LISA Pathfinder is a super-nerdy (and super-exciting) mission to test the tech that will go into building a huge gravitational wave observatory affectionately known as LISA...

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A Desperate Attempt To Save The World's Smallest Porpoise Could End Up Killing It Off

The last hope for helping the vaquita porpoise dodge extinction could be a project to capture some of the few that remain and breed them in semi-captivity, according to a g...

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Amy Jackson To Spread Awareness About Animal Welfare In London

Amy Jackson's debut at Cannes grabbed a lot of attention and the actress even bagged some international projects after her presence at the prestigious film festival. The ac...

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American Scientists Want To Manufacture Synthetic Human Genomes

It’s only been 13 years since scientists at National Human Genome Research Institute finished sequencing the human genome, but now another group of American scientist...

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Norway Becomes First Country In The World To Commit To Zero Deforestation

Norway has become the first country in the world to commit to zero deforestation. The
Norwegian parliament pledged the government’s public procurement polic...

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