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European Union - Approved 'safe' air pollution levels causing early deaths, shows study

Air pollution in the European Union is causing premature deaths even when levels meet quality guidelines, a report has shown. Even in areas where pollution was much lower t...

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Mumbai witnessed the 4th edition of TEDxGateway

With renowned speakers giving inspiring speeches, the atmosphere at NCPA was almost contagious with enthusiasm as Mumbai welcomed its 4th editio...

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Bollywood pays tribute to Nelson Mandela

South Africa’s first black president Mandela, who died on Thursday, was an icon for ending the much-reviled apartheid system, a colossus who strode over world politic...

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Sustainable development can only be achieved through environmental conservation: Dalai Lama

“People are exploiting nature and sustainable development can only be achieved through conservation. Mother Earth is our home and everybody has to work toward preserv...

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Warsaw talks a failure, but there is still hope for climate change cooperation

Negotiators from over 190 countries gathered recently in Warsaw to lay the framework for a global climate agreement that is expected to be signed in 2015 in Paris. Warsaw w...

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Nelson Mandela’s lasting impact on healthcare

Reflecting on the sad news of Nelson Mandela’s death, The African Palliative Care Association’s Executive Director, Dr Emmanuel Luyirika, has set out how Mandel...

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Artic releasing methane alarmingly faster than thought

US Methane Emissions Are 70% Higher Than Previously Estimated a new Harvard report says, reports Bobby Magill at Climate Central. Southeast oil and gas operations are emitt...

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Biography of Mr Nelson Mandela

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the li...

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