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Quantum Leap: Researchers Send Information Using A Single Particle Of Light

According to research published Thursday in Science, physicists at Princeton University have designed a device that allows a single electron to pass its quantum information...

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Here's The Most Detailed Picture Yet Of How Much The World's Oceans Are Warming

But to truly understand the remarkable ways in which human emissions are altering Earth's climate system, scientists need to find out what is going in the world's oceans. T...

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Indian maternal health far worse than previously thought

As per a new study, maternal health in India much worse than previously thought as more than 40% of women are underweight when they begin pregnancy. The findings of Princet...

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Alarming increase in global use of antibiotics, India is the largest consumer

A research published in a medical journal has sounded an alarm on overuse and misuse of antibiotic drugs A research published in a medical journal has sounded an alarm on o...

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