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TSAFF 2023 is the only South Asian film festival eligible for Oscars. The line-up includes a collection of 83 films including documentaries, fe...

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Scientists: Seals Are Deafened In Noisy Shipping Lanes

TATTIUrbanisation of marine environment impacts on seal hearing and is comparable to noise pollution of inner cities Seals are being temporarily deafened by underwater nois...

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How To Save The World's Most Trafficked Mammal

Many people in the West have never even heard of the pangolin, yet this “scaly anteater” is the source of a billion-dollar criminal industry that threatens to p...

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We Need To Regulate The Seabed Before Mining Companies Destroy It

On Thursday, an international group of marine scientists published an article in Science in which they outlined the desperate need for an international effort to regulate t...

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Six New Species Discovered Near Thermal Vents on Ocean Floor

In 2011, a team of marine ecologists led by Jon Copley sent a remotely operated submarine nearly two miles underwater to observe a field of hydrothermal vents in the southw...

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Kehkashan Basu, UAE-based Indian teen, wins Children's Peace Prize

 "Do not stop what you're doing. No matter what happens, we have to continue to save the planet," the 16-year-old said.

Award-winning teen environmental activi...

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It's Safe To Eat These 4 Crops Grown In 'Martian Soil'

Since 2013, a Dutch researcher has successfully been cultivating crops and wild plant varieties in a soil that closely resembles that from the red planet and the moon. Now ...

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Virtual Fences Around Wind Farms Could Reduce Bird Deaths

Well, according to a recent study published in Animal Biotelemetry, the answer to this problem could be the development of geofences, which are virtual perimeters programme...

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Climate Change Could kill 1 in 6 Earth Species

Currently, about 2.8 per cent of the species on Earth are at risk of extinction due to climate change that has already occurred. One in six species on Earth could be threat...

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Global Warming Is Already Clobbering The Amazon

WHEN IT COMES to doing research in the Amazon, Oliver Phillips says the worst part is the sweat bees. Phillips, an ecologist from the University of Leeds who has been ...

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