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"Population Foundation of India criticizes Union Budget 2024-25 for inadequate focus on health, nutrition, education, and empowerment of women ...

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I, Radhika Khera, will unveil India's modern visionaries, who advocate day after day and against all odds, for the nation that was imagined by ...

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A CUT above the rest…

My friendship with her is deep.

She's a feminist and the most expressive among most whom I know.

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Meet Sandra Moran: Guatemala’s First Openly Lesbian Congresswoman

Sandra Moran, 55, was elected to Congress as its first openly gay member in the September 2015 general election...

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Landmarks in Women's Rights – A Struggle full of Highs and Lows

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed women can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead<...

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Activists, Celebrities And Governments Call To End Global Gender Pay Gap

The UN General Assembly in New York, has unveiled champions of equal pay took, putting forth a clarion call to end the global gender pay gap that stands at 23 per cent. The...

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Community Radio Inspires Women In Isolated Village To Express Themselves

In one of India’s most disadvantaged and isolated districts, Radio Mewat is sharing information and raising awareness to help women stand up for their rights against ...

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Prioritizing Maternal And Newborn Survival: Time To Look To The Developing World For Affordable Solutions

With America unique among developed and most developing countries in its rising maternal mortality, it's especially encouraging to see significant progress in mothers' and ...

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Women’s Gender Equality, Economic Autonomy To Be Promoted In The Region

The 37th Assembly of Delegates of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) of the OAS ended in Lima with a call to countries in the region to promote equality and econo...

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SC: Economic Empowerment Is Must For Gender Equality

The Constitutional right to gender equality still remains a dream and women continue to face various kinds of discrimination which can be removed only with economic empower...

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