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Humans Can Now Scold a Robot With Their Minds

Humans have finally developed a way to communicate their displeasure with robots without kicking them.
Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligenc...

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How Scientists Will Turn Your Smartphone Into A Lie Detector

This is the future one Toronto start-up, NuraLogix, is proposing. Their image processing software, called
Transdermal Optical Imaging, claims to decode hidden emotion...

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Your Regular Doctors’ Checkup Could Soon Include A Scan Of Your Brain Waves

In fact, in the near future, Ryan D’Arcy told me, all doctors should be monitoring brain waves, alongside more standard clinical vital signs of patients, healthy and ...

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New 'Stentrode' Goes Deep Inside The Brain Without The Need For Brain Surgery

Whether it's to allow for the control of robotic limbs or just to watch neurology in action, to really get at the inner workings of the brain it's still necessary to access...

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