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Living standards will decline as South Asia’s heat rises

This summer, at 42.6°C, July 25 was the hottest day ever in Paris. Halfway across the globe, Delhi recorded its hottest day at 48°C on ...

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Climate change could make insurance unaffordable for ordinary people

Insurance workers started to warn that climate change could make insurance unaffordable for ordinary people right after the world’s large...

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Increasing Temperatures Trigger a Response in the Plant’s RNA

A new study used rice seedlings to show that the stress of higher temperatures can trigger a response in the RNA of a plant to control the chan...

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Sweden's Highest Peak diminishes due to Rising Temperatures

Heatwaves are gripping much of the Northern Hemisphere, with record heat recorded from Japan, to Italy, through...

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Scientists Just Confirmed The Hottest Day In Antarctica

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced a new record high temperature of 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit for the continent of Antarctica. The temperat...

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Healthy children build healthy nations

Our country is home to the largest child population in the world. A substantial 41 per cent, around 450 million, are children. But it is incongruent that for their educatio...

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In New Advance, IBM Engineers Put Universal Memory Within Reach

It can be kind of hard to keep track of the tangle of emerging computer memory technologies with one seemingly announced every other week, from Intel's highly publicized bu...

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Cli-Fi - The Hottest New Literary Genre

Apocalypse used to seem like a dubious future outcome, the stuff of Revelation or cheesy sci-fi movies. But if you are even grudgingly willing to acknowledge scientific evi...

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This Material Can Remove Carbon Pollution From the Atmosphere

The process involves heating up a liquid called lithium carbonate to a very high temperature and passing a small electrical current through it. The final result is a materi...

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Is The Global Warming ?Hiatus? Over?

There are many ongoing signs that the planet is heating up, even ?on fire.? In the western region of North America, the prolonged drought has led to high temperatures and m...

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