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Media must not misreport the study on population by PM-EAC: Population Foundation of India makes an appeal ac...

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How much is too much? Over-involved parents doing more harm than good

Parents play a major role inculcating values in their children. In the modern era, parents are so busy with their children’s lives; they ...

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It is Guilt and not Housework that’s harming your Health!

According to a recent analysis by the International Social Survey Programme, guilt over not doing enough housework may have a serious ...

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A Four-tiered System to Redefine Global Income Levels

Billionaire Philanthropist is just one of many ways to describe the beloved Bill Gates. Bill Gates is on a miss...

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Why Incentive Pay Makes The Gender Gap Worse?

The persistence of a gender gap in wages is shaping the debate over women’s equality in the workplace and underscores the challenge facing policymakers as they consid...

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Statement by UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

“This violence knows no borders and it affects women and girls of all ages, all income levels, all races, and all faiths and cultures. From conflict zones to urban sp...

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