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Are you woke?

Just like the rest of you, I’ve also been sitting at home, working when possible and consuming news on television, social media and the occasional newspaper, which ge...

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A Pill a Day keeps your Periods Away…

“Why the hell am I bleeding every three weeks if I don't have to be?” is the question most women on hormonal birth control pills ask. ‘Withdrawal bleeding...

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Chattisgarh Cop Crowd Funds Medical Treatments For The Needy Using Her 7 Lakh Followers On Facebook

Twenty-four-year old Smita Tandi is a policewoman who puts her proficiency in social media to good use by serving people from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Chattisgarh-bas...

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Mobile Diagnostic Device That Helps Pregnant Women In Rural India Receive Timely Medical Attention

A six-page report published in September by the established UK medical journal Lancet provided some shocking figures about maternal mortality in India. It revealed that in ...

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Ireland Passes Law Allowing Trans People To Choose Their Legal Gender

Transgender people in Ireland have won legal recognition of their status after a law was passed allowing them to change their legal gender with no medical or state interven...

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Traditions, Society And Healthcare- Taking A Look At Community Health Issues

It was a cool afternoon in the winter of 1990. We were walking toward a remote village on a dirt road through a forest. It was a voyage of delightful discovery of flora...

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Rotary member and polio survivor Ramesh Ferris shares how ending polio will impact global health

“As a polio survivor, I’ve made it my mission to help bring life-saving vaccines to all children. I was born in India, where I contracted polio as a six-month-o...

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