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30 Years After Chernobyl, Here’s What Radioactivity Is Doing To Wildlife

The largest nuclear disaster in history occurred 30 years ago at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in what was then the Soviet Union. The meltdown, explosions and nuclear f...

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Chernobyl's New and Improved Sarcophagus Will Contain The Disaster's Radioactivity For A Century

Thirty years after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, engineers are giving the epicenter of the long-defunct facility a facelift. With financial assistance from more than 40 n...

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Rising Fossil Fuel Emissions Will Screw With Carbon Dating

There are many reasons why we need to cut down fossil fuel emissions: pollution, climate extremes, irreparable damage to our natural world. Now there?s another to add to th...

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Rising Fossil Fuel Emissions Will Screw With Carbon Dating

There are many reasons why we need to cut down fossil fuel emissions: pollution, climate extremes, irreparable damage to our natural world. Now there’s another to add...

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