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Why a Statue of Netaji now?

Subhashini Ali explains why the statue of Netaji will not transform the Prime Minister into an inheritor of the legacy of the ...

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The Alchemy of Fear, Superstition and why India should be led by a Coalition Government?

The Modi-led BJP came to power in 2014, after three decades that any political party of India got a majority in...

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Four charts that suggest the problem isn't just the lack of girls' toilets

States that have a low number of government schools with girls’ toilets also tend not to have toilets for boys or household latrines, suggesting that this may be an o...

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Growth of independent India an amazing story; empower it by health investment

Today, the prime minister will stand at the Red Fort to address the nation. For a generation, the Independence Day speech has been about India’s mind-blowing progress...

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