Film Appreciation Course with Arunaraje
by The Daily Eye News Desk May 29 2020, 2:21 am Estimated Reading Time: 1 min, 30 secsFilm Institute of India and the National Film Archive of India, Pune are conducting an online Film Appreciation Course after their regular summer course had to be cancelled due to COVID-19. The four-week course will commence on 15th June and end on 11th July, 2020.
The highlights of the Course will be exposure to the language of cinema through a specially curated selection of world classics that changed how films are made and seen over the years. Basics of filmmaking like mise-en-scene and understanding of the various disciplines involved in filmmaking will be covered and the participants will have an opportunity to discover for themselves how the tools of filmmaking are used to tell stories or to express the art of a filmmaker as an auteur.
The journey over four weeks from Monday to Saturday will touch upon history and the various movements from all over the world. Insights and new perspectives of life and human behavior, aspects of communication, listening to the unsaid, understanding of subtexts to unconceal the layers of narratives in different genres would be some of the takeaways.
The interactive teaching will allow discussion on gender sensitive issues and the way the women are perceived in society and portrayed in Cinema.
The Course will be led by Arunaraje Patil, a critically acclaimed filmmaker and a winner of five national awards.
Arunaraje has also been involved in film education and has been a life coach and motivational speaker. Her films include Shaque, Gehrayee, Situm, Rihaee, Tum, Keh do na and Firebrand produced by Priyanka Chopra and released in 2019 on Netflix as an original.
The dates of the Online Course are as follows:
June 15 to July 11, 2020
Last date for receiving applications is 2nd June, 2020.
For details contact: www.ftii.ac.in or www.nfai.gov.in