Sustainable Development

The Quest To Turn The Arctic Into A Clean Energy Outpost Has Begun

The Canadian government's 2017 budget, released on Wednesday, funded a climate disaster mitigation fund and pledged billions to clean energy. It committed $21.9 billion to gre...

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This Scientist Wants To Sequence The Genomes of 8,000 Endangered Animals Before They’re Gone

Erich Jarvis has a selfish reason for wanting to sequence the genomes of thousands of endangered animals. He needs a bunch of these species to survive long enough for him to s...

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This Scientist Is Using Subway DNA to Prepare For Life Beyond Earth

Dr. Chris Mason is studying human and bacterial DNA to understand how humans might prepare for life in space, as well as how to defend our bodies from the radiation of long jo...

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This Kaleidoscopic Visualization Maps Earth’s Mysterious Magnetic Anomalies

Earth's magnetic field plays a crucial role in protecting life from radiation generated by the solar wind and cosmic rays. This invisible shield draws most of its power from a...

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The International Space Station Will Soon Help Track Bird And Insect Migration

It's one of the bird world's most epic journeys. After dodging predators and fiercely guarding their nests in the North American Arctic tundra, the American golden-plover begi...

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The First Spacewalker Cheated Death And Crash-Landed In a Forest Full of Wolves

March 18, 1965 was an ordinary Thursday for the majority of people located on planet Earth. But for 30-year-old cosmonaut Alexey Leonov, one of two people who happened to be o...

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What Do We Want the Future to Be?

Sometime in late June of 2011, I sat down at a Thai restaurant in Williamsburg with then-deputy editor Sean Yeaton. I'd been badgering him for months over email to give me a j...

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How An Arctic Island In Canada Is Preparing Humans For The First Journey To Mars

Every summer for the last twenty years, dozens of would-be Martians have gathered on Devon Island in northern Canada to test some of the cutting-edge technology we'll need whe...

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What Happens When We Find Unknown Life?

We often get derailed in conversations about alien life by focusing on little green men and the like, but the reality of trying to find life is much more profound: As astrobio...

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Bodies Are The Key To Human Intelligence—What About Machines?

Most AI researchers are currently missing a central piece of the puzzle: embodiment. It's tempting to think of the mind as a layer that sits on top of more primitive cognitive...

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Budget-friendly stitching services for kids and women across India, crafted by survivors...

September 29 2024


"The relentless violence of war and communal strife continues to plague innocent lives, ...

September 28 2024


Whistling Woods International's Celebrate Cinema 2024: An Immersive Festival Where 5000 ...

September 27 2024