
Why Odisha’s Tribal Women Are Returning To Their Natural Roots For Guidance On Food

Even in 21st century India, there is a sizeable number of children for whom life is riddled with poverty, food insecurity, poor nutrition, and minimal access to safe water, sa...

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This Terracotta Invention Is Easing Periods For Young Rural Girls

In India, anything related to menstruation is treated like a state secret, whispered about behind closed doors and wrapped in brown paper. As a result young girls across the n...

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MY STORY: Why I Started A Petition Against A Ban On Emergency Contraceptive Pills In Tamil Nadu

I did not take my friends’ occasional rants about the unavailability of emergency contraceptive pills in Chennai seriously, until I set out to look for it myself. I lear...

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Meet The Woman Who Has Helped Over 10,000 Mentally Challenged Women Live With Dignity

Sonali Mughdar is a 25-year-old Mumbai resident living with hearing and speech impairments and an intellectual disability. Her father passed away five years ago and her mother...

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These Women Took On Male-Dominated Workplaces And Emerged Inspirational Winners!

Access to sustainable paid employment is the key to women’s empowerment and capacity to exercise control over their lives. The Beijing Platform for Action had underlined...

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Why We Put A Transgender Girl On The Cover of National Geographic

Since we shared photos of the cover of our special issue on gender on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, tens of thousands of people have weighed in with opinions, from express...

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This Gritty Woman Started Her Crusade Against Child Sexual Abuse When She Was Just 10!

India ranks among the top five countries with the highest rate of child sexual abuse. A 2013 report by the Asian Centre for Human Rights explained the epidemic proportions of ...

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This 16-Year-Old Is Changing Attitudes & Promoting Better Sanitation In The Slums Of Mumbai

For an outsider who steps into the slums of Govandi East for the first time, the smell that hits them first. Next they are greeted by the sight of open drainage lines that run...

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Kerala Is Making History Once Again by Starting India’s First Transgender School

After becoming the first Indian state to adopt a transgender policy, Kerala is all set to write history yet again by starting India’s first transgender residential schoo...

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Madonna Calling It Like It Is, Tells Us The Sexist Entertainment World Has Rules For Women And None For Men

Madonna smashed the sexist and ageist entertainment industry at the Billboard Women in Music 2016 awards on December 9th. While being honoured as the “Woman of the Year&...

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Budget-friendly stitching services for kids and women across India, crafted by survivors...

September 29 2024


"The relentless violence of war and communal strife continues to plague innocent lives, ...

September 28 2024


Whistling Woods International's Celebrate Cinema 2024: An Immersive Festival Where 5000 ...

September 27 2024