Sustainable Development

Neuroscientists Hunt The Line Where Consciousness Begins—And Ends

Consciousness should be a deeply spooky thing. Or, rather, the fact that we routinelylose consciousness should be a deeply spooky thing. Here, at some murky threshold that we ...

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This Fabrication Technique Uses Individual Electrons To Make Metal Velcro

If you’ve ever wondered if particle accelerators have a purpose outside pure research, the Surfi-Sculpt should answer that question. As you can see in this video, it pur...

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This Powerpuff Girls PSA Is Teaching Brazilian Kids About Zika

When it comes to fighting Zika, the World Health Organization is taking all the help it can get, including enlisting the help of cartoon-loving kids. Zika, a mosquito-spread ...

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This Diabetes Activist Hacked Her Medical Device And Made An Artificial Pancreas

Algorithms are boring until your life depends on them. People with Type 1 diabetes use algorithms all day long. They perform mental calculations to manage their blood-sugar le...

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Programmers Aren't Writing Green Code Where It's Most Needed

Confession? I don't write green code. I mean, it might be green code just by coincidence, but I've never really thought too much about the relative energy consumption demanded...

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Scientists Can Virtually Wander Around Mars For Miles With Hololens

“My average day is that I go to the office, have my coffee, nip off to Mars for a little while, check out the latest location, write some code, and then I’m back h...

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In New Advance, IBM Engineers Put Universal Memory Within Reach

It can be kind of hard to keep track of the tangle of emerging computer memory technologies with one seemingly announced every other week, from Intel's highly publicized but s...

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SpaceX Is Already Working On Legal Approval For Its 2018 Mars Flight

I’ve been to the Humans to Mars Summit, an annual conference thrown by Explore Mars about speeding up human colonization of the Red Planet, a few times. It’s alway...

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The International Space Station Just Orbited Earth For The 100,000th Time

After almost 18 years of circling Earth, the International Space Station completed its 100,000th orbit on Monday.To remind us all of how completely metal that is, NASA release...

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New Stem Cell Discovery Could Boost Corn Crop Yields By An Astounding 50 Percent

A newly discovered stem cell signaling pathway could boost yields from corn and other staple crops by up to 50 percent in the very near term, according to a paper published Mo...

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Budget-friendly stitching services for kids and women across India, crafted by survivors...

September 29 2024


"The relentless violence of war and communal strife continues to plague innocent lives, ...

September 28 2024


Whistling Woods International's Celebrate Cinema 2024: An Immersive Festival Where 5000 ...

September 27 2024