Dungeons and Dragons and girls: Video shoots down gamer stereotypes
by The Daily Eye Team October 13 2014, 2:18 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 39 secsA new short documentary challenges the stereotypes we build around boys and girls and their play habits. How do parents influence those stereotypes? A new video called “DnDnG” – Dungeons and Dragons and Girls – is giving some parents reason to consider the gender equality inherent in role playing games. After Harry Potter Actress Emma Watson spoke at the United Nations on the subject of gender equality last week I began to notice more stories and videos on the subject that related to kids popping up on social media. “DnDnG,” a short documentary curated by editors at Upworthy.com, caught my attention as the mother of four sons who love the game Dungeons and Dragons and other role playing games (RPGs).