
#Chennaifloods: How Climate Change Discourse Is Marred By Gender Bias

#Chennaifloods: How Climate Change Discourse Is Marred By Gender Bias

by The Daily Eye Team December 12 2015, 3:40 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 40 secs

Ever since the devastating images of Chennai deluge have been flooding our television screens, with a choked-to-neck social media trying its best to fill in the gaping blanks, sending out SOS alerts, retweeting helpline numbers, broadcasting locations where people are stranded fearing for their lives, somehow the importance of the Paris Climate Conference, and the overall dystopian future of mass environmental displacements, are staring us in the face. Though "commitments" to fight climate change have been sounded again and again at various air-conditioned seminar rooms and summit halls of super-luxury hotels, somehow the world leaders, most of whom are men, cannot come to terms with adapting to a more caring, nurturing discourse, instead preferring an aggressive self-aggrandising stance, out-competing each other in a you-budge-first game of climate wars. Read More at

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