
'Clean Coal', CCS And CSG Will Not Save Fossil Fuels – Their Game Is Up

'Clean Coal', CCS And CSG Will Not Save Fossil Fuels – Their Game Is Up

by The Daily Eye Team March 6 2017, 2:35 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 35 secs

Every few years the fossil fuel industry pressures politicians to force “clean coal”, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and more recently coal seam gas (CSG) on an increasingly sceptical community to justify its continued expansion. This cycle started with the promotion of Adani’s massive Carmichael coalmine in Queensland, for coal export to India. The South Australian blackout followed last September when violent storms blew down transmission towers, prompting instant federal government accusations that excessive reliance on renewable energy was the cause, despite clear advice to the contrary. This also prompted a review of the energy system, led by Dr Alan Finkel, with final submissions due on Friday.


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