
Princesses, Presidents, Laureates join hands to

Princesses, Presidents, Laureates join hands to

by The Daily Eye Team December 13 2016, 4:47 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 49 secs

Royalty, presidents, prime ministers and spiritual leaders joined hands with Nobel peace prize winners on Saturday in the fight for child rights, saying they wanted to "globalise compassion for children" in a world which has forgotten to care. Despite greater wealth across the world, millions of children still languish in poverty and are trafficked, exploited, forced to flee their homes due to conflict and denied basic rights, including an education. Speaking at a summit in Delhi, prominent figures including President Pranab Mukherjee, Tibetan Spiritual Leader the Dalai Lama, Princess Charlene of Monaco, former President of East Timor Jose Ramos-Horta, said it was time to speak with one voice for the rights of children. "The world is facing many problems. We humans have created these problems, and it is only we who can solve them. We can't blame Buddha, or God or Jesus for the problems faced by our children," the Dalai Lama told delegates at the two-day event.


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