
Tens of Thousands of Stranded Walruses Are Once Again Gathering in Alaska

Tens of Thousands of Stranded Walruses Are Once Again Gathering in Alaska

by The Daily Eye Team September 5 2015, 4:04 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 33 secs

With the sea ice where they rest and hunt melted away, thousands of walruses have once again flooded the shoreline near the village of Point Lay, Alaska. The massings, which are called "haul outs," were recorded for the first time in 2007 and have occurred seven of the last nine years. Scientists and environmentalists say they are one of the most visible impacts of the rapidly changing climate of the Arctic, which is heating up twice as fast of the rest of the world. More than 35,000 walruses gathered there last year, but stormy seas have kept scientists from making an estimate so far this year. Read More?at ?

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