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All you wanted to know about Omicron

The new variant of concern: Omicron has assumed the status of The Global ‘Scariant’ of Concern, bec...

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How to keep the virus at bay, now

Dr. Kishore Madhwani writes on the essentials to keep safe at this juncture of the COVID-19 virus pandemic.

Transparent wood could replace glass or plastic in energy-efficient homes

Introducing new material of wood may seem old in an era of steel and glass constructions. Researchers have now given a new makeover to timber w...

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Be a responsible and green traveller

The idea of caring for our planet may seem like common sense to the indigenous tribes of the world who live in close connection to Earth. Likew...

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Do Your Bit: Choose from the Many Alternatives to the Plastic Straw

A movement to ban disposable plastic straws is sweeping the world after gaining traction in cities and countries across the world, including...

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World Environment Day: How are the Stars saving the Environment?

June 5 marked World Environment Day - a day dedicated to generating awareness regarding the threats lurking ove...

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Of Plastic, Planet & Pumped out Pollution

People around the world, undoubtedly, are prolific garbage producers. However, the amount of plastic waste being churned out have multiplied immensely. Scientists claim tha...

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Switch To Reusable Menstrual Products To Save The Environment

Reusable menstrual products are the new demand and NGOs from across India have started making options for women to help reduce the burden of non-biodegradable products on t...

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We Are Living In The Age Of The Reusable Rocket

What you're looking at above is the first stage of a rocket that's been to space twice. For the first time, SpaceX has reused one of its Falcon 9 rockets, this time to deli...

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The Eco Guide To Good Plastic

Cruel, but I had no choice. If we carry on creating and consuming plastic as we are now, and hoping that trainer innovation will do the heavy lifting (it won’t), by 2...

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