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Human Rights Watch Submission To WHO High-Level Working Group On Health & Human Rights Of Women, Children & Adolescents

Human Rights Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the World Health Organization (WHO) High-level Working Group on Health and Human Rights of Women, Children a...

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Oil Drilling Caused Killer Earthquake In Boomtime California, Scientists Suspect

Several damaging Los Angeles-area earthquakes of the 1920s and 1930s, including the deadliest ever in southern California, may have been brought on by oil production during...

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Adani's Carmichael Mine Granted 'Unprecedented' Powers, Says Report

Powers granted by the Queensland government for Adani’s proposed Carmichael mine are unprecedented for a private commercial development, new findings reveal. Legal an...

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India Needs To Talk About Mental Illness

At least 13.7 per cent of India’s general population has various mental disorders; 10.6 per cent of them require immedi...

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What We Learned About The Global Burden Of Disease?

Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, observed that knowledge is power and information is liberating. Indeed, the collection, analysis and dissemi...

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Mercury Is More Earth-Like Than We Thought

Mercury has been hiding an exciting secret: the closest planet to our Sun is perpetually shrinking, according to new data from NASA, which shows the appearance of new, tiny...

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Light Pollution Is Throwing Off The Seasons

In a study published Tuesday in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, researchers describe how night-time light pollution is causing early budburst—emergenc...

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Why Climate Change Could Benefit Parts Of Canada’s Boreal Forest

Fact, he argues that Quebec’s massive boreal forest could provide a much-needed “refuge” for plants and animals, as much of the continent gets hotter and ...

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Stem Cell Injections To The Brain Could Help Stroke Patients Regain Mobility

When researchers at Stanford University injected stem cells into the brains of stroke victims for a recent study, they were surprised to see that some patients regained mob...

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What Effect Does Paid Maternity Leave Have On Infant Mortality?

For each additional month of paid maternity leave offered in low- and middle-income countries, infant mortality is reduced by 13 percent.
“A significant number o...

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