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Leaving EU Will Make It Harder For UK To Tackle Climate Change, Says Minister

“While I think the UK’s role in dealing with a warming planet may have been made harder by the decision last Thursday, our commitment to dealing with it has not...

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Living With Energy Poverty

If you can read this, you probably have access to affordable and reliable electricity all day, every day. 1.4 billion people around the world don’t. We need to addres...

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We Can’t Count On Geoengineering To Save Us From Climate Change, Scientists Warn

In December, governments around the world got together and grandly agreed to limit global warming to below 2℃ above pre-industrial levels—with a preference for keep...

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Business And Academic Leaders Urge New Conversation About Coal-Free Future

They also say the public may not realise it but a carbon price has already been built into Australia’s economy with the Turnbull government’s decision, at the P...

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Australians Have Spent Almost $8bn On Rooftop Solar Since 2007, Says Report

In its latest State of Solar report, Solar Citizens – which campaigns for, and represents the interests of, solar owners – has for the first time estimated Aust...

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There's A New Plan To Stop Climate Change: Turn CO2 Emissions Into Stone

The project took place at the Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Station, the biggest thermal power plant in the world and the energy provider for Reykjavik, Iceland's capital. U...

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There's A New Plan To Stop Climate Change: Turn CO2 Emissions Into Stone

"It's a promising result," said Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science who was not involved in the project. "If this could be done at a l...

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CO2 Turned Into Stone In Iceland In Climate Change Breakthrough

The unique project promises a cheaper and more secure way of burying CO2 from fossil fuel burning underground, where it cannot warm the planet. Such carbon capture and stor...

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Norway Will Stop Using Products From Deforestation

Oil-rich Norway is taking a big step in saving tropical rainforests that are crucial to absorbing the world's carbon emissions. The Scandinavian country has become the firs...

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Ex-NasaMan To Plant One Billion Trees A Year Using Drones

A drone start-up is going to counter industrial scale deforestation using industrial scale reforestation. Bio Carbon Engineering wants to use drones for good, using the tec...

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