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Killing Eve: Bone Chilling Thriller

Orchestrating a project with female protagonists in it is no unprecedented, unattained or some watermark matter...

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Lost in Space: A Strong Foothold in Infinity

Whether it’s through memes or scoops - Elon Musk’s car in space or his vision of a Mars colony unti...

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Mosiac: Honeycombed Maze Of Murder Mystery

What started as an interactive storytelling app has now become our obsession as the TV show. With its naissance as a narrative in the make o...

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Breathe – A Breathless Thriller

Amazon Prime and chill? Well, that’s a tough one to answer but it seems the entertainment company has started grabbing a spot in the h...

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Black Mirror –Season 4: Dark Premonitions All the Way

There’s no hush-hush business when it comes to Black MirrorRead More

The U.S fight over Net Neutrality has an Impact on the Whole World

The US Federal Communications Commission or FCC voted on 14 December to repeal landmark 2015 rules aimed at ensuring a free and open internet, sending chilling wav...

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The Talwars-Behind Closed Doors: The Unforgettable Crime

15/16 May, 2008. The night that gripped the nation with a strangely grim and unbelievable horror is etched in our memories like a chill, a g...

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Hollywood is haunted by tales of Pedophilia – the Kids Need to Be Protected!

For everyone who is assuming that "Harvey Weinstein Scandal" opened the floodgates to sexual harassment cases in Hollywood, you are wrong. As much as we would like to belie...

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Bonfire – Facebook’s new Group Video Chat App

The ever-growing platform, Facebook has always been able to serve people with different elements with its constant habit of experimenting and innovating. Be it in on other ...

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A Dope for Disjointed

Netflix has come up with an interesting promotional gimmick to accompany its new series named 'Disjointed'; the streaming service has teamed up with a pot dispensary to sel...

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