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New Study Shows Worrisome Signs For Greenland Ice

As humans put more heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, ice around the planet melts. This melting can be a problem, particularly if the melting ice...

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Japan kills More Than 300 Whales In Annual Antarctic Hunt

Whaling fleet returns to port after slaughtering hundreds of minke whales, in defiance of moratorium on hunting and global criticism A Japanese whaling fleet returned to po...

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Boaty McBoatface to go on its first Antarctic mission

A small yellow robot submarine, called Boaty McBoatface after a competition to name a new polar research ship backfired, is being sent on its first Antarctic mission.


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Australia Placed On El Niño 'Watch' As Weather Bureau Puts Chance At 50% for 2017

Analysis shows steady warming in the Pacific Ocean and that Australia could be in for a warmer and drier year Australia could be heading into another El Niño year ac...

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NASA Filmed Water Escaping Down Giant Cracks In The Greenland Ice Sheet

The Greenland ice sheet is melting, pushing more water out into the ocean, and contributing to global sea level rise—one of the major risks of climate change. Now, NA...

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Images Of New Bleaching On Great Barrier Reef Heighten Fears Of Coral Death

The embattled Great Barrier Reef could face yet more severe coral bleaching in the coming month, with areas badly hit by last year’s event at risk of death. Images ta...

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How One Man Repopulated A Rare Butterfly Species In His Backyard

The California pipevine swallowtail butterfly is a wonder to behold. It begins its life as a tiny red egg, hatches into an enormous orange-speckled caterpillar, and then &m...

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Celebrating The legacy of Sarojini Naidu, The Driving Force Behind Women’s Equality In India

She was called the ‘Nightingale of India’ with good reason, a woman who called out the patriarchy at a time when our own country didn’t understand the urg...

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'Extraordinary' Levels Of Pollutants Found In 10km Deep Mariana Trench

Presence of manmade chemicals in most remote place on planet shows nowhere is safe from human impact, say scientists Scientists have discovered “extraordinary” ...

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We Need To Regulate The Seabed Before Mining Companies Destroy It

On Thursday, an international group of marine scientists published an article in Science in which they outlined the desperate need for an international effort to regulate t...

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