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Why The Nobel Prize Winning Discovery Of Autophagy Matters

Nobel laureate Yoshinori Ohsumi’s work on mechanisms underlying autophagy — a fundamental process of degrading and recycling cellular components — has gen...

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Is It Ethical To Grow Human Organs Inside Animal Chimeras?

Scientists are now working on a technique that would allow human organs to be grown inside pigs. The DNA within a pig embryo that enables it to grow a pancreas is deleted, ...

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A Universal Cancer Vaccine Might Be Closer Than You Think

There are so many cancers and so many things that can work in concert or independently to increase a person's cancer risk—to say nothing of the sheer scope and scale ...

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The Invention That Stops Girls Missing School Every Month

In Malawi a packet of sanitary towels can cost a whole day's pay, and girls often miss school because the cotton strips they use instead are inadequate. Charlotte Ashton me...

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How Worried Should We Be About The 'Nightmare Bacteria' Making Headlines?

 “It’s not that this bacteria is highly transmissible,” said Dr. Emil Lesho, director of WRAIR’s Multidrug-resistant Organism Repository and Su...

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Dehydration: Risks And Myths

Despite the vital importance of water, there are relatively few good studies of how much is needed, by whom and under what circumstances.
Truth to tell, sometimes I do...

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Humans Risk Killing Off One-In-Five of All Plant Species

Twenty-one percent of the world’s plant species—essential to food and medicine supplies—are threatened with extinction, according to a report published Tu...

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True Review Television - Doordarshan’s Tribute To Mothers

Last Sunday, which was also Mother’s Day, as I watched the Prerna Awards on DD National, I was overwhelmed by the stories narrated on stage by Daughters who acknowled...

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These Anti-Vaccine Parents Were Found Guilty In The Death of Their Toddler

An Alberta couple has been found guilty of failing to provide their son with the necessaries of life, four years after he died of bacterial meningitis. The parents, whose p...

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What Effect Does Paid Maternity Leave Have On Infant Mortality?

For each additional month of paid maternity leave offered in low- and middle-income countries, infant mortality is reduced by 13 percent.
“A significant number o...

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