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Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan honoured for tackling social issues

Aamir Khan is huge in Bollywood, a superstar actor, director and producer, sometimes called the “Tom Hanks of India.”
But between films –- “Dho...

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Violence versus Women is an everyday occurrence in cities. Learn what the UN is doing 2 make cities safer

Sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence in public spaces are an everyday occurrence for women and girls around the world—in urban and rural areas, in dev...

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Women2Drive' campaign gathers speed in their quest to lift the driving ban for women in Saudi Arabia

(New York) – Saudi authorities should end the country’s driving ban for women as the “Women2Drive” campaign gathers momentum, Human Rights Watch sai...

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Investors ask fossil fuel companies to assess how business plans fare in low-carbon future.

BOSTON, MA Oct 24, 2013:
A group of 70 global investors managing more than $3 trillion of collective assets today launched the first-ever coordinated effort to spur 45...

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The Curious Case of The Dogs in The Highrise Towers

It’s been since 1989 in one of the upper end high middle class towers in Mumbai, where I have resided on and off over the years, that I have shared a sort of secret l...

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Randi Zuckerberg launches her book “dot complicated”

CEO and Founder of Zuckerberg Media, Randi Zuckerberg launches her book “dot complicated”. Read More Here

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MAMI Schedule

The 15th edition of the Mumbai film festival presented by Reliance Entertainment and organized by the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) Read More

MAMI Schedule

The 15th edition of the Mumbai film festival presented by Reliance Entertainment and organized by the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) Read More

UCLA Launches Global Media Center For Social Impact

The Fielding School of Public Health at UCLA has established an innovative new center to
increase awareness of important health issues and improve the well-being of pe...

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Domestic violence in India: Women’s existence ‘privatized’

As domestic violence and women’s rights matters in India continue to make headlines in the international press, one woman is working to elevate the issues in a troubl...

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