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Dutch Government Taken To Court On Climate Change

Campaigners in the Netherlands are taking the government to court for allegedly failing to protect its citizens from climate change.
The class action lawsuit, involvin...

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Surgical Anesthesia May Act As Greenhouse Gases, Contributing To Global Warming

Releases of anesthetic gases are beginning to accumulate in the earth’s atmosphere in increasing amounts, contributing on a small scale to climate change. According t...

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Deciphering PM Narendra Modi's Climate Change Gambit

Prime Minister Modi raised the matter first at the United Nations last year, then when US President Obama visited India, and a third time on Monday this week at the state e...

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Rich Nations Urged To Cut Temperature Rise Targets

Senior scientist says voices of poorer nations must be heard in the political tussle over reducing the ?utterly inadequate? global warming limit. The official target of lim...

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India May Submit Climate Change Plans In September; Javadekar Assures Pledges Will Be Submitted “In Time”

India is likely to submit its plans to tackle climate change, including steps to curb the amount of carbon pollution, in September. Tuesday was the first informal deadline ...

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Why The Sustainable Development Goals Matter

Following the progress made under the Millennium Development Goals, which guided global development efforts in the years 2000-2015, the world’s governments are curren...

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Ted Cruz Compares Climate Change Activists To ‘Flat-Earthers.’ Where To Begin?

Ted Cruz said something, and we went back and forth about whether or not we should address it because it's just baffling. But then we figured, yes, even the baffling things...

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Earth Hour: Millions Will Switch Off Lights Around The World For Climate Action

Annual switching off ?lights in homes, businesses and landmarks holds extra significance ahead of this year?s climate talks in Paris, says the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-...

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Climate Change To Have Considerable Impact On Ganga?s Dynamics

Climate change will have a ?considerable? impact on the dynamics of the river Ganga, affecting a major portion of north India which is directly dependent on it for its agri...

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Selling Out Of Fossil Fuels No Solution For Climate Change

Institutional investors are under increasing pressure to divest their holdings in fossil fuel-related companies. A network of concerned activists are seeking to focus atten...

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