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Will Work With India To Realise Ambedkar’s Vision: Un

Describing B.R. Ambedkar as a global “icon” for marginalised people, a top UN official has voiced the world body’s commitment to working closely with Indi...

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Passionate Debate Erupts Over The Future For Women In Islam

Sparks flew when Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who lives under a fatwa for her condemnation of Sharia law, came face to face with fellow Somali women’s activist Hibaaq Osman The f...

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Is This A Glimmer Of Hope For Our At-Risk Oceans?

The world’s fisheries could see a swift recovery from overfishing and declining stocks if sensible reforms are implemented,
according to a new study.

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Supporting Land Rights Helps Us Build Stronger, More Prosperous Communities

Land is an incredibly valuable asset that represents many different things. Land is, first and foremost, a place to call home. For many, it also serves as a critical means ...

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The Rise Of The Social Entrepreneur

Recently, I wrote a column suggesting that, in the field of social change, we’re getting smarter. I went so far as to say that we may even be going through a new Enli...

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Why India Needs Its Quack Doctors.

Toward the end of last year, reports emerged that the Liver Foundation, a health NGO in India’s West Bengal state, had started working with local quack doctors. The t...

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Dispatches: Achieving Pain Relief For Millions

In April, the United Nations General Assembly will review the international response to drugs for the first time in 18 years. An issue that has been neglected for decades &...

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A New Advocacy Group Is Lobbying For The Right To Repair Everything

Repair groups from across the industry announced that they have formed The RepairCoalition, a lobbying and advocacy group that will focus on reforming the Digital Millenniu...

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WEF Creates Task Force With Carney, Rajan To Study Global Financial System’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has created a new task force with Bank of England Governor Mark Carney and his counterpart at the Reserve Bank of India, Raghuram Rajan, to s...

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Initiating A Dialogue Toward Inclusive Identities

“When was the first time you realised that you were a boy or a girl?”
This was one of the initial questions asked to ten year ol...

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