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Guidance from Gates

Mother of three children, co-chair of the largest philanthropist foundation in the world, and former executive at Microsoft, Melinda Gates is one half of the most powerful ...

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Currently, during daily activities and alimentary habits, diabetics need to monitor their glucose levels by piercing the skin, 3 to 10 times per day. For someone with ...

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SIXTH SENSE? That’s Childs play.

When we think of human senses we think of eyesight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Yet we have always known that we are capable of sensing much more than this. Sixth sen...

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The North Indian pre-wedding ritual of the Ladies Sangeet, at which women gathered together to sing (some raunchy songs) an dance, minus the men. The cus...

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World Breastfeeding Week – Sustaining Together

The World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is celebrated annually from 1st to 7th August with the goal to promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and in tu...

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Big Switch: Teens Work on Leaving No Footprints Behind for the Future Generations

The world has been shedding its green skin interminably, courtesy human intervention in it’s natural process. But hitherto we were paying least attention to the lurki...

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Jungles: An Innovative Take AtFilming Wilderness

Hurtling through a sea of stars, many stories lay entrenched deep in the skins of earth. Of these, the jade-like jungles hold the history and key to life on earth. BBC Eart...

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Okja Director Bong Joon-Ho: 'In Films Animals Are Either Soul Mates or Butchered

The director’s bold and bonkers fantasies have sparked comparisons with Spielberg, and his latest film delivers a chilling message via the relationship between a girl...

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10 Year Old Launches Clothing Line To Combat Colourism

A 10-year-old girl has created a clothing line to help challenge colourism. Kheris Rogers, from Los Angeles, was bullied a lot at school for her skin colour, which affected...

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