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India’s First Sign Language Dictionary To Be Released In March

How often have you played a game of Charades, frantically motioning to your friends hoping they’ll get the gist of what you’re trying to say? That frustration y...

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Climate Change: Data Shows 2016 Likely To Be Warmest Year Yet

Temperature data for 2016 shows it is likely to have edged ahead of 2015 as the world's warmest year. Data from Nasa and the UK Met Office shows temperatures were about 0.0...

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Head Over To The ‘Pictures Against Prejudice’ Exhibition This Weekend – A Testament To LGBTQ Pride

The modern Indian wears his pride on his sleeve…and on his Instagram page. A casual scroll through social media and you’ll find yourself in a rainbow blur of L...

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Human Rights And Health Inequality. A Worldwide Phenomenon

A purely biomedical understanding of diminished health and preventable mortality misses key dimensions of social and economic issues.
1. The differences in health stat...

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A Comic Heroine That’s Fighting The Evil Skin Whitening Industry

India’s beauty industry thrives on the country’s ugly obsession with fair complexions and skin lightening products. Prejudice against darker skinned people, esp...

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Udayer Pathe - A Star Is Born

With Udayer Pathe, a new star was born – the name was BIMAL ROY.
As cinematographer, that star quality was evident after he shot P.C .Barua’s MUKTI. Deser...

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The Children’s Day Special

“The boy asked, Where did I come from ma? Did you pick me up somewhere? Mother replied, tearfully laughing, And hugging the child to her bosom- You are the desi...

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Shawn Coss Illustrates The Anguish Of Mental Illness Beautifully For #Inktober

Every October, the artists of the world come together to fill the internet with art and inspiration. This began in 2009 when one artist, Jake Parker decided to challenge hi...

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When Economic Growth Doesn't Make Countries Happier

Rich people are happier than poorer people on average, and richer countries are happier than poorer countries. And yet growing national wealth is not always accompanied by ...

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Tackling Inequality As Injustice: Four Challenges For The Human Rights Agenda

Over the last three months, openGlobalRights has brought together leading practitioners from various fields to debate economic inequality from a human rights perspective. <...

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