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Fighting climate change could end up costing more than dealing with its effects

Regardless of how the world’s governments choose to attempt to contain global warming at 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, it’s going to cost them....

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Climate change: The case of the missing heat

The biggest mystery in climate science today may have begun, unbeknownst to anybody at the time, with a subtle weakening of the tropical trade winds blowing across the Paci...

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In Global Warming Debate, Insurers Play it Cool

NEW YORK (TheStreet) — Both sides embroiled in the political debate over climate change will find proof for their positions in data collected by the insurance industr...

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Forget development goals. Focus on community empowerment

Five things we must do if we are serious about sustainable development

Instead of sustainable development goals that seek community participation, climate adaptatio...

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Sun is the leading cause of our climate change

In an Antarctic rescue of global warming believers that can only be described as poetic, the headlines keep on coming. Activists, researchers and journalists of the Russian...

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The Time is Now! Education for Sustainable Development Matters for Post – 2015

Our world is facing critical sustainable development challenges, where our future will depend upon our collective capacity and ability to learn and change. This means putti...

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Climate change rattles mental health of Inuit in Labrador

Researchers studying the mental health and well-being of Inuit populations in coastal Labrador say rising temperatures are having damaging psychological effects on people i...

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Breaking News: There Is Ice In Antarctica

The stranded research vessel, Academic Shokalskiy, in Antarctica has created awareness on the amount of ice in the area and its implications for sea levels. Image: IB Times...

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Climate change could be worse than anyone thought

Expressed in the language of science, the paper does not generate a feeling of great alarm: “Equilibrium climate sensitivity refers to the ultimate change in global m...

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Despite Bitter Cold Weekend in US, Climate Models Indicate Global Warming is Intensifying

The Australian based Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science has released a new study arguing that climate models have underestimated the extent to which the doubli...

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