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Jungles: An Innovative Take AtFilming Wilderness

Hurtling through a sea of stars, many stories lay entrenched deep in the skins of earth. Of these, the jade-like jungles hold the history and key to life on earth. BBC Eart...

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True Review Movie - Spider-Man: Homecoming

Cast: Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Jon Favreau, Zendaya, Donald Glover, Tyne Daly, Marisa Tomei, Robert Downey Jr.

Director: Jon Watts

Producer: Kevin Feige...

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FREEDOM My Story By Arunaraje Patil

Arunaraje Patil’s newly released memoir is justly titled FREEDOM. It matches the title of her best known directorial work – RIHAEE- or liberation. The film, she...

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'The Villainess' To Open New York Asian Film Festival

The US premiere of Jung Byung-gil’s revenge thriller and recent Cannes Midnight screening The Villainess will close the 16th New York Asian Film Festival (NYAFF), set...

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This Indian Toy Inventor Has Made Science Fun & Sustainable For Over 30 Years

Tin Tanker, Stretchable Stomach, Coconut Creature and Buckling Basket - alliterations are not the only thing Arvind Gupta is a maestro at. For over 30 years, this Indian sc...

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35% Of World's 'National Animals' Are Threatened By Extinction

The US bald eagle is doing fine. The Central American tapir of Belize? Not so much. Just about every country has a national animal, a symbol that is widely recognized and a...

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A Gay Vulture Couple Hatched A Chick Together. They Proved 'They Can Do It'

A gay vulture couple has hatched a baby chick at a Dutch zoo, marking a momentous milestone for the lovebirds that had been trying to start a family for months, their caret...

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The Conflict Within: Parsis And Gender Rights

India’s vulture crisis, which started in the 1980s, caused the Parsi Zoroastrian community to reconsider one of its practices. Traditionally, the community does not b...

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Noise Pollution Is Drowning Out Nature Even In Protected Areas: Study

Human noises are often 10 times that of background levels, impairing our enjoyment of natural parks and impacting animal behaviour, scientists have found The sounds of the ...

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Streets Paved With Gloom

 A few years ago, there was a huge wave of workers going from Kerala to the Gulf countries in search of better prospects. It would not ...

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