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Reforming Healthcare In India

India faces a triple-disease burden of maternal and child health, infectious, and non-communicable diseases. This is despite India’s status as the third-largest econo...

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The Hype Around Medical Genetics Could Be Bad for the Public

Science has always issued medical promissory notes. In the 17th century, Francis Bacon promised that an understanding of the true mechanisms of disease would enable us to e...

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Powerful new technique reveals the mechanical environment of cells in their natural habitat, the living embryo

Whether building organs or maintaining healthy adult tissues, cells use biochemical and mechanical cues from their environment to make important decisions, such as becoming...

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Great Barrier Reef: Why Are Government And Business Perpetuating The Big Lie?

Great Barrier Reef historian Iain McCalman wrote that the new measures
“deliberately ignore the dire long-term threats to the reef that are contained i...

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Weighing In On Sugar Tax

The World Health Organisation’s recommendation that nations tax sugary drinks is a well-meaning one, but the needs of local communities cannot be left out If, some ye...

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What We Learned About The Global Burden Of Disease?

Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, observed that knowledge is power and information is liberating. Indeed, the collection, analysis and dissemi...

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WHO Calls For Higher Taxes On Sugary Drinks

The World Health Organization (WHO) urged countries on Tuesday to raise taxes on sugary drinks it blames for fuelling global epidemics of obesity and diabetes, saying this ...

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Non-Communicable Diseases Killed More Indians In 2015

In 2015, India, like other developed countries, had more number of deaths caused by non-communicable diseases. In the case of males, deaths due to non-communicable diseases...

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This Year's Nobel Prize Winner's Research Could Transform Cancer Treatment

Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi, 71, won the 2016 Nobel Prize on Monday for his research on autophagy ― a metabolic recycling process in which cells eat parts of them...

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Non-Communicable Diseases Killed More Indians In 2015

In 2015, India, like other developed countries, had more number of deaths caused by non-communicable diseases. In the case of males, deaths due to non-communicable diseases...

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